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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

The University is governed by the Academic Council, Rector and Vice-Rectors.

According to the University Charter Rector is a top executive administrator who is elected by confidential voting at the conference of elected representatives for a five-year term.

Rector appoints vice-rectors who administer different areas of university activities.

Directory of Top University Administrators

Rector – Artem Ivanchin, 

Doctor of Law Sciences

Tel. number: +7 4852 788605, 797799

Vice- Rectors’ offices

First Vice-Rector

Vice-Rector for Digital Transformation and Strategic Development -
Mikhail Chistyakov
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 788502  

Vice-Rector for Academic Work – Irina Kuznetsova, 

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor.

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 797734, 797704

Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Ekaterina Flierova

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 79-77-05

Vice-Rector for Information and Technical Support and Security – Mikhail Kirillov.

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 797787

Vice-Rector for the Development of Innovation Infrastructure – Andrey Kiseljev

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 303042

Vice-Rector for Infrastructure Development and Integrated Security - Aleksander Krasnov

Tel. number: +7 (4852) 797787

Vice-Rector for Youth Policy - Eugenia Metelkova

Tel. number +7 (4852) 79-77-86, 797765