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Demidov Yaroslavl State University
Programme Code Programme Name 
38.04.04 Government and Municipal Management
11.04.02 Info-communicational Technology and Communication Systems
46.04.01 History
38.04.02 Management
39.04.03 Organization of Work with Young People
41.04.04 Political Science
09.04.03 Applied Informatics
01.04.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics
37.04.01 Psychology
11.04.01 Radio Engineering
03.04.03 Radiophysics
39.04.02 Social Work
39.04.01 Social Science
43.04.02 Tourism
03.04.02 Physics
45.04.01 Philology
38.04.08 Finance and Credit
02.04.02 Fundamental Informatics and Information Technologies
04.04.01 Chemistry
05.04.06 Ecology and Nature Management
38.04.01 Economics
11.04.04 Electronics and Nanoelectronics
40.04.01 Law
44.04.02 Psychological and Pedagogical Education