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Demidov Yaroslavl State University

International Cooperation

P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University (YarSU) is a member of the Euroasian Universities Association and Magna Charta Universitatum , which proves university compliance to international standards and gives a lot of collaboration perspectives in the sphere of internationalization of higher education.

P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University has long-term established links with the following foreign educational institutions and organizations: 

     The main goal of the development of YarSU international cooperation is further internationalization of education. The development is implemented through academic contacts, joint scientific research with our foreign colleagues, as well as by attracting foreign students to study at YarSU at bachelor's, mastaer's and PhD degree programmes.

Preparatory Department plays a significant role in helping foreign applicants to learn Russian and prepare for their studies at the university degree educational programmes. The Russian language is a core subject, so after successful completion of the course, the level of proficiency in Russian will be at least B1.

Cooperation agreements  cover a wide net of foreign partners of YarSU including organizations of near and far abroad. Agreements of bilateral cooperation support such activities as student exchange, internships of academic staff, business visits.

Since 2011 through 2014 the International Affairs had been running summer language programme NSLI-Y (the National Security Language Initiative for Youth) for American high-school students. The programme combined Russian language training and cultural immersion of incoming students.

Since 2008 the International Affairs under the auspices of the Russian Language Undergraduate Studies has been running language programmes for students of British universities, including a 32-week programme for Oxford University students.

From 2006 in addition to the agreement of cooperation on student exchange with the University of Jyväskylä, YarSU annually accepts a group of Finnish students headed by a Russian language instructor, who come to Yaroslavl to get acquainted with its centuries-old history, places of interest and contemporary Russian life realities.

In 2006 the teachers of YarSU and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) have conducted first series of classes in the Russian and English languages correspondingly via the telecommunication technologies. The participants of “telebridges” were the UNL and YarSU students and postgraduate students. At present this type of classes is held with the partnership of a few US colleges.

Cooperation with the universities of NIS countries is carried out by the Faculty of Psychology, Law and Foreign Languages Department within the frames of academic research and interlibrary exchange. The partners of YarSU are Karaganda Institute of Actual Education, Karaganda State University named after Buketov, Minsk Institute of Modern Technologies and Marketing, , Belorussian State University of Physical Culture, Belorussia State University and public association “Belorussian Labour Law Community”.

A joint project between YarSU and Stanford University’s Institute for International Studies started in 1999 – “Initiative on Distance Learning”. Students of several universities in Yaroslavl enjoyed the opportunity of learning from Stanford University lecturers. The project was distinguished for its interdisciplinary character. Through it the following courses were delivered: Democracy, Development of the Rule of Law, Security, Civil Liberties and Terrorism, Major Issues in International Conflict Management; International Security in a Changing World, International Environmental Politics. Each semester Russian students had an opportunity to take two courses taught in an interactive way via multimedia technologies. The language of instruction was English. Every year about 50 Yaroslavl participants of this project were awarded certificates on completion of the programme. Besides, the international student conference on contemporary issues of international security was held annually in spring. Participants of these conferences took part in round table discussions, role games and also gave their own presentations. The project was successfully run for 10 years and ended in 2009.

In 2005 initiative and great experience in the sphere of international cooperation allowed YarSU to participate in the joint European project MANRU – Raising Management Quality in a Russian University. The project was undertaken in the framework of the European program TEMPUS – TASIS: http://www.manru.uniyar.ac.ru/rus/network.php). The partners of YarSU in this project were Sheffield Hallam University, UK (www.shu.ac.uk) and European Foundation for Quality Management, Belgium (www.efqm.org).

In 1999 scientific-methodical cooperation between the Psychology Faculty of YarSU and University of Bilefeld (Germany) in the sphere of teaching and education in a higher school was initiated. In 2001 the agreement on establishing the Interdisciplinary Centre of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, which became a branch of the Bilefeld Interdisciplinary Centre of Didactics, was signed. Now the programme for professional development based on Dr Bebler’s educational techniques is carried out. Over 200 teachers from 5 Yaroslavl universities took part in this program during the past years.

Leading engineers of YarSU Media laboratory maintain close relations with a number of foreign organizations. All information on their educational products is displayed on the web site: http://medialab.uniyar.ac.ru

Researchers of the Scientific-Educational Centre “Nonlinear Dynamics” keep close mutually beneficial contacts with a number of foreign organizations. Partnership cooperation is carried out in the following directions:

  • Collaboration with Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS), Germany.
  • Participation in a joint project with Institute of Medicine Jülich Research Center, Germany, the group of Prof. Dr. Peter A. Tass.
  • Participation in the joint project “Solaria” with Bulgaria Academy of Science.

The scientific school in the sphere of physics and astronomy under the supervision of professor Mikheev N.V. has long-time intensive and fruitful international connections. Collaboration includes publications in reputable international magazines, participation in international scientific conferences, organization of such conferences, internships in world scientific centers, joint applications to international organizations for research grants.

The Scientific and Educational Center for Ancient Studies maintains cooperation with the following universities: Martin Luther University (Halle-Wittenberg), University of Bremen, Trir university (Antiquity Center), Hamburg University, Gettingen University, Bundesver University, Commision for Ancient History and Epigraphy of German Archeological Institute (Munich). Ties with professors of Ancient History from Humbold University (Berlin), Oldenburg University, Paderborn University, Rostock University and others are maintained. Cooperation includes participation in thematic conferences on Antiquity Science, join work on editing articles, collaboration within the framework of annual international conference “Roman Public and Private Law: Centuries-old Experience of European Law Development”, regular scientific internships of Russian researchers in German scientific centers, participation in joint research projects.

Since 1998 a regional agency of International Exchange Center ( IEC ) has been working under International Affairs. The programmes of IEC give students and graduates an opportunity to study foreign languages at international language schools in the UK, Germany, Canada, USA; to work in the USA, Costa-Rica and Republic of South Africa during summer holidays; to undergo an internship in the USA and Australia. In the UK, Cyprus and France participants of the programmes may study Hospitality and Restaurant Management at colleges.