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Demidov Yaroslavl State University


The best innovative idea among students

The best innovative idea among students

On December 29,  2012 the results of All-Russian contest of students, postgraduate and young scientists’ innovative projects in key areas of innovation development of the largest domestic companies, working in the field of mechanical engineering, telecommunications and communications were summed up. This contest was organized within the realization of Federal target program “Scientific and research and educational personnel of innovative Russia 2009 -2013”. The main organizer was Moscow Institute of Applied Physics.


Results of the competition of business ideas "Youth - Erudition. Stimulus-Innovation"

On December 25, 2012 the ceremony of business ideas awarding "Youth - Erudition. Stimulus - Innovation"  took place at Moscow University of Economics, Statistics and Information, Yaroslavl branch. To a  commission of experts, which included university professors and representatives of leading companies of the city, as well as experts of the youth association "Union of young entrepreneurs” were submitted 33 projects of students, postgraduates and young entrepreneurs from Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region.


Recent Christmas holidays news

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has sent his season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year to the YSU Rector Alexander Rusakov.

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